Frequently Asked Questions
In which discipline / theme / sub-theme can I submit the abstract of my paper?
All disciplines are included in the conference. You may refer to themes and sub-themes by clicking on ‘Genre / Discipline Menu’ in the conference home page.
Is there a possibility to publish the full research paper in Journal or Edited Book?
Only the research paper Abstract will be published in the Conference Proceedings (E-Proceedings & Hard Copy Proceedings published with ISBN).
Registered Participants under all categories whoever interested in Full Paper Publication in the Edited Book - Holistic Research Perspectives (HRP) Vol. 12 by NFED Publishers can view the Publications Menu for more details. The Edited Book will be published in March 2025 as both E-Book (E-ISBN) and Hard Copy with ISBN, in accordance with force majeure, wherein charges are applicable.
Registered Participants under all categories whoever interested in Full Paper Publication as Journal Article can view the Publications Menu for details on journal publication in Technology-Information-Management-Entrepreneurship-Review (TIMER) – An International Online Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal (Open Access) of NFED. Article submissions are open for Jan-Jun 2025, Vol. 3, Issue 1. -
Is TIMER Journal listed under UGC CARE list?
TIMER publishes papers through double blind peer-review process. Indexing and Abstracting are not applicable at present. It is NOT listed under UGC CARE 1 or 2 journals.
Is Conference Registration mandatory to opt for Edited Book or Journal Publication?
Conference Registration is mandatory for Participants / Presenters / Authors / Co-Authors opting for Full Paper Publication in Edited Book and / or Journal (Refer Conference Registration Charges)
Conference Registration Charges are NOT inclusive of publication charges for Edited Book and / or Journal.
Charges for Edited Book Publication and Journal Publication are separate and given in the respective Section under Publications Menu. -
Can I use the same Abstract submitted for Conference Proceedings in the Edited Book and /or Journal Publication?
No. In order to avoid plagiarism, Abstract (if any) submitted for the Conference Proceedings have to be modified by the Author(s) before submitting the Article for Edited Book and / or Journal Publication.
What is the word limit for the paper abstract?
The research paper abstract should not exceed more than 250 words.
In what format should the abstract of the paper be prepared?
The abstract should be prepared in accordance with research methodology – Kindly Refer ‘Submission Guidelines’ given under ‘ Registration & Guidelines Menu’ in the home page.
When is the last date for paper abstract submission?
The last date for abstract submission is 24th January 2025.
Will the submitted Abstract be reviewed?
Yes. Submitted abstract will be sent for review, and if any changes need to be incorporated, the revised abstract should be submitted within 3 days upon receiving the review comments from Conference Chair / Conference Director.
How do I submit the research paper abstract?
The author must submit their abstract as a soft copy in MS-Word as per submission guidelines via online registration form (duly filled) and accept the publisher copyright declaration by clicking ‘accept’ (only applicable to those intending to publish their abstract in the conference proceedings (E-Proceedings and/or Hard Copy Proceedings)) and completing the payment of conference registration charges (whichever applicable) to submit the form by clicking on ‘Submit’.
When will I be notified about my research paper abstract acceptance?
The notification of paper abstract acceptance will be given by Conference Chair / Conference Director after completion of the review process by the editorial board / chief editor.
How many authors can be included in the paper abstract?
The research paper abstract should contain only a maximum of four authors (one lead/corresponding author & three co-authors).
Do the Co-authors need to register separately?
No. Only one author has to register (either author or co-author). The author who registers using the online link will provide the details of all the co-authors in the respective fields of the registration form. Registration charges are inclusive for all the authors.
If I decide to attend the conference only for one day, will I get a fee concession in conference registration charges?
The entire conference is self-supporting, and registration charges/fee are kept at discounted rates. Hence, no fee concession will be given and/or entertained to any registrant in this international web conference.
Do I need to send the PowerPoint presentation slides?
No. It should be prepared by the author (including co-authors, if any) in accordance with your presentation time (10 minutes) and should be kept ready on the day of your paper presentation.
Is there a paper abstract reference/code given/allotted for research paper presentation in the international conference?
Yes. The abstract submitted by any author and/or co-author will be allotted with a paper code. The author(s) must cite the paper code for all further communications with Conference Chair / Conference Director.
Does the international conference have parallel tracks/sessions for paper presentations?
Yes. The conference has the provision to enable parallel presentations for time effectiveness and embracing the opportunity for all presenters to present their research papers in accordance with the tracks (Track 1: Science, Engineering & Technology (SET), Track 2: Management, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (MEI), and Track 3: Arts & Humanities (AHU)). The Zoom Conference Room and/or Google Meeting Room/ or both will be enabled for paper presentations. However, parallel tracks/sessions shall be decided by the conference key office bearers in accordance with the total number of paper abstracts received in the aforesaid tracks.
When do I get the time slot and date for my presentation?
Itinerary of the international web conference containing paper tracks and time slots will be sent on 28th January 2025, wherein the Zoom web link and/or Google Meet link for each day of the conference (Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3) shall be sent to all the participants and paper presenters/authors (including all co-author(s)) only before 45 minutes on 30th Jan, 31st Jan & 1st Feb 2025 for effective participation and/or paper presentation.
Do I have to attend sessions on all three days of the conference?
Attendance is compulsory only on Paper Presentation Dates for all paper presenters/authors and/or co-author(s) in accordance with the session tracks. Hence, participation in all the conference sessions and/or tracks is not mandatory for any participant/presenter (author/co-authors).
Will I get my participation/participation cum presentation e-certificate if I attend only one day of the conference?
Yes. The participation/participation cum paper presentation e-certificate will be issued only on 8th February 2025.
What is the registration procedure if the author/co-author(s) of a joint research paper does not attend the international web conference?
Registration procedure is the same for author/co-author(s) registering and not attending the International Web Conference, and there are no provisions of relaxation/discounts on registration fee/charges. The in-absentia of author/co-author(s) on professional/personal exigencies shall not be considered for reimbursement of conference registration charges.
How much time is allotted for paper presentation in the conference?
A maximum of 10 minutes shall be provided excluding Questions and Answers. You may check the General Guidelines under ‘Registration & Guidelines Menu’ in the home page.
Can all authors of the joint research paper present in the conference?
Only one author is allowed to make the presentation in case of joint research/co-authored papers.
Do the conference registration charges include proceeding charges?
Conference registration charges are given under three categories and the participant may choose the option of his/her choice: 1). Participation Only, 2). Participation & Presentation with E-Proceedings (single author), 4). Participation & Presentation with E-Proceedings (Joint – max. four authors). In case, author/co-author(s) decide to opt for Hard Copy Proceedings along with E-Proceedings, he/she must indicate the exact number of copies and make additional payment on charges as mentioned in the online registration form.
Do I need to submit a separate declaration for my abstract submission?
Do I need to submit a separate copyright form for my abstract publication?
No. Publisher Copyright is included in the Online Registration Form. You must click on Accept in the copyright declaration mentioned in the registration form.
Do I need to get a ‘No Objection’ for submitting the same abstract elsewhere for publication?
Yes. You must send an email to for 'No Objection’ and receive the approval from Conference Chair / Conference Director.
In case I could not present myself to the web conference to present my paper due to exigencies, can I get conference certificate?
Yes. It may be considered in exceptional and/or genuine cases, wherein you must write a mail requisition to the Conference Chair / Conference Director citing the genuine personal and/or professional exigencies.
When is the last date for Full Paper Submission for Edited Book – HRP Vol. 12?
The last date for Full Paper Submission for Edited Book Publication is 5th February 2025.
When is the last date for Full Paper Submission for TIMER Journal Publication?
The last date for Full Paper Submission for Journal Publication is 5th March 2025.